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Freelancing opportunities that align with your interests.
Freelancing opportunities that align with your interests. Pexels

A lot of Americans opt for freelancing opportunities to pursue projects that align with their passions, to enjoy more flexibility at work, and to have more sources of income. With the advent of technology that has simplified the process of finding side gigs and working from home, freelancing has become a $1.2 trillion industry. It has also received a tremendous boost during the 2020 pandemic.

An estimated 67 million people are currently involved in the freelancing industry and the numbers could reach a whopping 90 million before the end of this decade. In 2020 alone, millions joined the side gig industry. Although there are many popular platforms for side gigs out there, very few actually go a step further to take care of their users' financial wellbeing.

One mobile app that does is called Steady. Steady offers legit freelance gigs and full-time job opportunities that help boost people's income and let them understand their finances at the same time. Most of the time, freelancers have to keep track of income trends on their own, as well as maintain work-related receipts and expenditures to accurately file taxes and avoid paying the IRS more than they owe.

It is also commendable that Steady has partnered with the Workers Lab to offer emergency cash grants to those in need. To date, the firm has already given away over $4 million in cash grants to members who have suffered financial losses.

How to Apply for Gigs on the Steady App

The Steady app is available on the iOS and Google play store. Just submit a few basic details like your name, date of birth, and zip code to check out gigs available in your region. After that, you can create a profile that lists your interests, expected salary, work experience, and language proficiency to help Steady display jobs that suit your skillset.

What Kind of Jobs Can You Expect?

Steady lists freelance gigs, as well as part-time and full-time job opportunities, some of which fetch above $20 an hour. Each job listing details the timings, work environment, salary range, and other requirements for your perusal.

For those who are interested in the creative field, media, or IT industry; Steady offers tons of jobs in graphic designing, writing and editing, computer programming, and tutoring. Full-time jobs usually involve the hospitality industry, personal assistance, retail sector, and customer service. Steady estimated that their members who found gigs on their platform earned an average of $5,500 in additional income every year.

Cash Boosters

Cash boosters will come in handy if you are looking forward to continued income even in the darkest of days. You can earn cash for taking verified online surveys or trying out legit apps or services hand-picked from Steady's list of trusted partners. Activities range from downloading an app and reviewing it to opportunities that could help you save money on taxes and high insurance premiums. Steady claims that their millions of members have earned over $7 million from income cash boosters to date.

Income Tracker and Cash Incentives

If you are working multiple jobs on Steady, their intuitive income tracker can help you visualize working hours, total money earned, and other job-related details in a vivid way. This could help you file your taxes accurately, understand career progression and filter jobs based on income trends. To avail of this feature, simply link your bank account to their encrypted platform. This will also help Steady understand and process emergency grants to you in case you go through a rough patch.

The best thing about Steady is that it requires no commitment despite offering multiple ways to earn money. If you find a job on their platform, you may even get in touch with the employer directly without using the Steady app any further.

For nearly four years now, the app has created over 1.5 billion customized financial insights for users, listed over 19 million job opportunities where 5.4 million of them matched to members and has even welcomed NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal on the board as an investor and advisor.

Start building a solid passive source of income on Steady today.