‘GLOW’ Season 3: Alison Brie Says Ruth Is ‘More Confused And Distraught Than Ever’
"GLOW" is back Friday, but star Alison Brie warned that things are different in Season 3 of the Netflix comedy. Her character, Ruth, is questioning everything as she settles into the Las Vegas life.
Season 2 left off with the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling being offered a show in Las Vegas, where Geena Davis plays the hotel manager. Ruth had to leave her new boyfriend behind in California, but their long-distance relationship might not stop her flirtation with Sam (Marc Maron).
While promoting Manitoba Harvest earlier this summer, Brie dished to International Business Times on Ruth’s new confusion, her evolving friendship with Debbie (Betty Gilpin) and what it was like to make her directorial debut with "GLOW" Season 3, episode 7.
International Business Times: What can we expect from Ruth this season?
Alison Brie: It's an interesting season for Ruth and for everybody. Vegas sort of gives everybody what they'd been looking for. They have success for the first time on this show. We've watched Ruth really fight for her role in GLOW. All of them fight to make the show, to make the show a thing, to have any kind of success. And now they're in Las Vegas, and it's happening. The show's happening, they're making money and Ruth is more confused and distraught than ever. … And in Seasons 1 and 2, she had these huge new challenges to push herself to be a wrestler, to attempt to be a director, to fight Sam to push for new ideas and storylines on the show. Now that they're in Vegas, they're doing the same show every night, and Ruth really doesn't have that artistic satisfaction.
So even though everything else is seemingly wonderful, I think the main source of who she is and kind of where she has been used to getting her joy doesn't exist. And it kind of sends her into this soul-searching space of what am I doing? What do I want to be doing? Is this even acting? Am I living the dream the way that I wanted?
At the same time, she's fighting a lot of temptation being in Las Vegas and being in close proximity to Sam, and away from her boyfriend. There are some new challenges for her romantically.

IBT: The romance is obviously a part of it, but I think the central relationship is really Ruth and Debbie. So are they finally in a good place or is there still tension between them?
Brie: Ruth and Debbie are in a much better place than we've ever seen them before. It's really a new kind of existence for them in Las Vegas. I kind of feel like Ruth and Debbie, more than any of the characters, are taking the “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” at heart, and this season is almost like they get to have a slight love affair in Vegas. It's a break from reality. They're living sort of in a fantasy, and so they're away from the incidents. They're away from Debbie's old life and all of their history. And I think that that temporarily at least is pretty good for them.
IBT: I saw Geena Davis is going to be in the new season. So how was working with her?
Brie: It was fantastic. I don't have that many scenes with her in the course of the show, but she is a dream. She is the kindest woman and such a fan of the show. And I've been a fan of hers as long as I can remember. Iconic movies like “A League of Their Own” and “Thelma and Louise” have always been a huge inspiration to me. I mean, “Beetlejuice.” I'm such a fan of hers, and she just couldn't have been lovelier and totally game and up for anything. And I think she's really going to surprise people this season.
IBT: What was making your directorial debut like? Did you really enjoy it?
Brie: Yes. I loved it so much… it was the most fun I've ever had, maybe, on set. It was really fun to work with our crew in a different way. We have such a wonderful hardworking crew and they're so creative, they're so collaborative. So it was really fun to be behind the scenes with them working very closely every day and bonding with them in a new way. And obviously our cast is so incredible, and everyone couldn't have been more wonderful with me.
There was no attitude. We don't have any diva behavior on set, usually, anyway. But I get a lot of people asking me, "Oh, did anyone give you a hard time?" I said, "No, it was totally the opposite." I think if anything, some of the girls would come up to me and be like, "I just want to do a good job for your episode." And I was like, "Of course you're going to do a good job."
I think it was fun to see the actors even in a new way to just be able to watch and guide their performance, but they needed very little guidance. Our actors are so talented. I just was like falling in love with everyone and with the show all over again.
IBT: Is your character in the episode a lot? Did you do a lot of directing yourself or did you get an episode kind of focused on everyone else?
Brie: Oh, I'm almost not in it at all. I'm very much focused on other characters, and I'm very grateful that, for my directorial debut, that was the case. I think it made it much easier to not have to think about acting at the same time as directing, but maybe that will be the next step.
“GLOW” Season 3 premieres Friday on Netflix.

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