With just hours to go until Halloween night, it’s not unusual for a lot of trick-or-treaters or partygoers to be without a costume. Luckily for those last-minute participants, we’ve got 11 cheap and easy DIY costume ideas perfect for any 2017 Halloween celebration and a guide on how to make them.

Identity Thief

Become your own worst nightmare with this easy, DIY Halloween costume. Simply purchase a pack of “Hi, my name is” stickers (a pack of 100 retails for $5.22 on Amazon) and fill out the lines with various aliases. Stick them on your clothes and viola, you’re an identity thief.

Taylor Swift

Swifities may not have the cash or the time to recreate one of her famous looks but fans of the songstress can emulate the singer with this easy costume. All you’ll need to pull off Swift’s “You Belong With Me” bedroom look is a pair of pajama pants, a plain white T-Shirt, some colored pens, and a little creativity. You can add to the look by tying your hair back and leaving a few pieces out in the front or throwing on a pair of black frame glasses.

M&Ms Candy

Want to be deliciously adorable this Halloween? All you need to become a chocolate-covered treat is a brightly colored shirt (if you’re sticking to classic M&M’s colors you’ll need to pick between green, red, blue, yellow or orange) and a black or white marker. Simply draw a capital M on your top and you’re all ready to go trick-or-treating.

Crazy Cat Lady

For those who want to be comfortable this Halloween, consider being a “crazy cat lady.” To complete this look you’ll need to sport a robe, slippers (preferably ones meant for the outdoors), and some cat stuffed animals (a pack of five sells for $29.99 on Amazon) to stuff into your pockets. If you want to really amp up your look, throw some curlers into your hair. Use the above photos for some inspiration.


Do you have black electrical tape on hand and a yellow top? If you answered yes, then you’re halfway on your way to a free and easy Bumblebee costume. Simply wrap pieces of the black tape horizontally across the top and enjoy buzzing around this Halloween in your homemade costume. You can also get this look by trying the hand-dye and masking tape instruction used in the above Twitter photo.

Cereal Killer

Bloody and gorey costumes can be expensive, but this one doesn’t have to be either. Buy a small value box of cereals (a package of eight sells for $3.17 on Amazon Prime Pantry) and cut holes into each of them. Glue a plastic knife into each hole. Then, tape the boxes onto any shirt (you may want to empty the contents out first) and there you are. You’re a cereal “serial” killer.

Beanie Baby

Have an animal costume on hand but don’t want to re-wear it for another Halloween? Change it up with this easy hack without spending much money. This is also a cute and easy costume item for your pets.

You can follow a step-by-step guide on how to make a TY Beanie Baby tag for your costume below. You’ll need red, white and yellow paper, scissors, a gold pen, adhesive and ribbon to pull this look off.


If you can find a plaid, button-down top, a beanie, jeans and a big, black framed glasses in your closet, you could easily pass as a hipster for an effortless and comfy costume this season.

Father Time

Write the world “Father” on any shirt or paper to attach to your clothing and carry around a clock. When someone asks you what you are on Halloween, you can reply, Father Time.

Mother Nature

Similar to the Father Time idea, attach a sign that says “Mother” onto your clothing. Cover yourself with fake flowers (faux floral bunches and greenery are readily available at any dollar store), and you can pass as Mother Nature.

Georgie From “It”​

If you have a yellow rain jacket lying around, you are in luck. Put that coat on and and you can easily pass as Georgie from “It.” For those who do not already own the item, Walmart sells the jacket for in adult sizes for $7.95. If you want to add more detail to your costume, consider carrying around a single red balloon and a paper ship.

Happy Halloween!