Ozruk, the lumbering, trash Legenday Blizzard

While waiting for the Hearthstone vaults to open, we’ve been looking at the cards in the set and come to a conclusion: Ozruk is the worst Legendary card in the whole Journey To Un’Goro expansion. That’s quite a claim, since in Journey To Un’Goro we get double the amount of Legendary cards as usual, alongside Quests, which are either OP or unplayable, but there’s no way around it.

Why Is Ozruk So Bad?

Ozuk is a nine-mana 5/5 with Taunt that gains an extra five health for each Elemental you played the turn before. If you play Stone Sentinel the turn before, you won’t gain any health from those two extra summoned Elementals. That means you actually have to play the cards from your hand in order to get the bonuses, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. Playing one Elemental the turn before only gives you a 5/10 for nine-mana, which is two mana more than an Ancient Of War, which has the exact same stats.

Getting a 5/15 sounds nice in theory, but with cards like Hex or Polymorph going into every deck that can run them, you have the potential to waste your entire turn for nothing. Imagine you are playing against a Rexxar that uses The Marsh Queen , the new Hunter Legendary, and he summons a full board of 3/2 Raptors. Your opponent still has a full hand, while you're left with an empty board and a sad face.

Here are a few other terrible Legendaries from Journey To Un’Goro that are close to beating Ozruk, but just not bad enough.

Elise The Trailblazer- Terrible in Constructed Play; you never know what cards you are going to get. Still, like Prince Malchezaar, padding your deck with nonsense cards can be fun in casual games or for new players who just don’t have good cards yet.

Lyra The Sunshard- It’s not going to matter what random Priest spells you have, you are still going to lose since you are playing Priest.

Are we just overreacting or will Ozruk be the worst card in the set? Tell us in the comments.