self-care technology health industry
self-care technology health industry Arthur Luczka - Pixabay


  • Healthcare is among the most costly expenses of many individuals
  • Thankfully, self-care through tech is now available, and many people are going for it
  • This saves them money and even saves general practitioners the time, allowing them to focus on critical cases

If there’s one thing that many people consider as expensive, it’s healthcare. As much as possible, they would strive to avoid getting sick so as not to incur medical costs, much less be admitted to the hospital. Because of the expense associated with healthcare, a new growing trend in the field is on the rise. It’s no other than engaging in self-care with the help of technology.

The term self-care refers to treating your condition on your own. These comprise any kind of action that a person would take to help him overcome sickness. It could be as simple as buying over-the-counter medicines for a recurring headache or ensuring a daily intake of natural fruit juices to beat certain illnesses.

With the availability of information today and with so many highly intelligent applications, self-care in terms of tech has the ability to identify a condition with the help of any tech-related means. It could come as a sole standalone gadget, or even an app that you have installed on your smartphone, which you bring along with you wherever you go.

One benefit of this is that it gets to save general practitioners and even health institutions a bit of time. This also allows them to focus on critical ailments.

According to the CEO of, Matteo Berlucchi, “Self-care is the biggest opportunity in healthcare.” He explained in an Express report that the idea of self-care through tech experienced a temporary setback because people didn’t know how to do it. Because they have no idea on how to execute the whole self-care process, they would always end up at the doctor’s office and receive information from the doctor on how to self-care. He even added that the process was not very efficient.

He also said that huge thanks could be given to digital healthcare. Because of this, it has become possible to find the right information in the quickest possible time and to do self-care at home. The process eliminates the necessity to go and see a doctor since instructions for self-care have already been derived.

According to Express, the top 10 self-care conditions that could now be identified with new digital health tech tools. These conditions are back pain, dermatitis, heartburn/indigestion, nasal congestion, constipation, migraine, cough, acne, and sprains.