Huge Snake Found In A Sandbox 4-Year-Old Boy Was Playing In

A 4-year-old South Carolina boy had a close call when he found a copperhead snake in a sandbox at his home, local media reported Tuesday. Van Watson, of Camden, said his son was playing in the sandbox when he found the reptile.
“(He) bounced right back up, ran to the house and said, ‘Daddy, Daddy, there’s a snake in my sandbox. It hissed at me and went ‘hiss, hiss,’ and that got my attention," Watson told local media WIS. "What I saw when I got here was a big, giant, huge snake; in reality, it was only 12 to 14 inches long. It could’ve gone very bad."
According to LiveScience, copperheads are most likely to bite when they come across humans. However, their venom is mild and rarely fatal but can cause immense pain. Wildlife trapper Tony Watford, with Watford’s Nuisance Wildlife Trapping, told local media that copperheads need to be respected.
“Don’t try to catch it, don’t try to pick it up or anything like that. Leave it to the experts,” Watford said.
Watford said there are simple steps that can be taken to "make your land less attractive for snakes."
“Keep the undergrowth cut back and if you’ve got a rodent issue, get the rodent issue under control because that’s their primary food source,” Watford said. “Watch your kids. Keep an eye on them, especially when they’re outdoors, check and re-check their play areas because no one expects this to happen it can happen, happened to us,” he added said.
On Saturday in New Jersey, a man was bitten by a venomous copperhead snake. The man was bitten on his index finger and transported to St. Joseph’s Medical Center for treatment. The poisonous snake was taken by a snake expert.
Francisco Angon told local media WABC he was on the street near the riverbank looking at his friend's car when he saw a snake slither past his feet. When he attempted to pick it up and move it, it bit him.