Justin Bieber gets 'mature' haircut, fans pour out on Twitter

The teenage pop sensation Justin Bieber has announced his new and 'mature' haircut on Twitter, setting the microblogging site abuzz with fans pouring out on the disappearance of their favorite pop star's hair flip. 'Beliebers' have taken to Twitter to debate: feathered helmet head with floppy hair vs the new short hair and mature look with hashtags like #RIPHairFlip.
Bieber first set the stage for the impending haircut with a tweet in the morning stating, Thinking about getting a haircut....hmmmmmm.
Hours later, reports of Bieber's haircut emerged on gossip website TMZ.
Confirming the reports and revealing that the hair will go to charity, the Canadian singer tweeted, yeah so it's true...i got a lil haircut...i like it...and we are giving all the hair cut to charity to auction. Details coming soon.
The former floppy hairstyle has been one among the prominent features of the singer. Fans have identified him with the hairstyle from his YouTube sensation years to his launch to stardom.
Explaining his desire to cut his hair, Bieber told TMZ that he wanted to change it up as he wanted kind of mature look.
Despite the singer's justifications, the fans seem unsettled and took the discussion on to internet. #RIPhairflip, #hotnewsexydo and #GoodbyeFakeBeliebers were among the Trending Topics on Twitter.
Although many fans did express disappointment over the haircut, scores of 'Beliebers' reasserted their unconditional love for the pop sensation.
Naseeba Qureshi (@NaseebaBieber_x) wrote, @justinbieber you look so much older with your new hair<3 gonna miss the hair flip tho.. Either way you look good.
Lauren Tiedt (@Strawburrylacez) tweeted, #riphairflip As if justin wouldn't be just as awesome just because he got his hair cut.
While non-beliebers also posted on the topic with sarcastic comments, one user felt the trends on Twitter were inappropriate considering the worldwide events of the day.
Eoghan Hanlon (@whatisbrain) posted, Disappointing that Justine Bieber getting her hair cut is trending with Christchurch quake and Libyan situation. #riphairflip
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