Claims of "evidence" of the Loch Ness Monster have been around for decades. But a new video, supposedly of Nessie, has cropped up that purportedly shows the creature surprisingly far from its home -- about 500 miles south of Loch Ness.

The most recent video of Nessie, posted to Youtube on Tuesday by user danprince10, shows what appears to be a humpbacked creature skimming the water's surface off Skegness beach on the eastern coast of England. It features the simple caption, "This is footage from Skegness beach of a potential real life sea monster or serpent. Some great possible video evidence!"

Adding to the skepticism, the dubious Skegness video comes just weeks after other purported evidence of the sea creature surfaced online. George Edwards, a 60-year-old sailor who has devoted the past three decades of his life to hunting Nessie, released what many people are calling "the best photograph ever" of the creature.

Edwards said he was out on Loch Ness in Scotland in November, in his boat, when he noticed something floating in the water. "I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and immediately grabbed my camera. I happened to get a good picture of one of them," he said. "In my opinion, it probably looks kind of like a manatee, but not a mammal."

But in an effort to be prudent, Edwards told The Inverness Courier that he waited until he had confirmation from experts that the object captured was animate before releasing the photo.

Unlike Edwards, the uploader of the new video, which shows 48 seconds of grainy footage of a curious black shape floating in the ocean, provided little in the way of context or explanation of the footage, leaving it up to viewers to "be the judge."

The first recorded sighting of the elusive creature dates back to 1933 when Mr. and Mrs. Spicer of London claimed to have seen a "most extraordinary form of animal," while driving on a shoreline road near Loch Ness. According to their description, the "prehistoric animal" ran away across the road and slithered into the water, disappearing from view, but inspiring a worldwide fascination with "Nessie."

Watch the video below to see more of the supposed "Loch Ness Monster."