An Oklahoma man was arrested Tuesday for using a simple pet’s toy to disrupt a police aircraft. Iban Balderas, 19, was taken into custody for allegedly directing a laser pointer at a police helicopter in Oklahoma City, NBC affiliate KFOR-4 reported.

The Oklahoma City Police Department’s Air 1 helicopter was in the air Tuesday when it told dispatchers it had been hit with a green laser multiple times. They were able to pinpoint its location and officers on the ground were led to Balderas' home, according to KFOR-4. The arrest affidavit said the laser hit the helicopter three times.

What Balderas was accused of doing would be a violation of the Laser Safety Act, which former President Barack Obama signed into law in 2012. The law made it illegal to knowingly point one of these devices at an aircraft and is punishable by up to five years in prison or a $250,000 fine.

Balderas was, somehow, not the only person arrested for the same crime in December.

Two Florida police helicopter pilots landed their helicopter and arrested a man themselves for allegedly pointing his laser at their helicopter, ABC News reported.

There has also been a recent laser pointer epidemic in Oakland, with people shining lasers at drivers and helicopter pilots during the city’s infamous vehicular “sideshows,” NBC Bay Area reported.