Investigators are on the lookout for a man who stole an infant boy who was lying next to his sleeping mother on a platform at a train station in India.

The incident took place at the Mathura train station in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Surveillance footage of the moment was captured and shared on social media to help the local police in their search for the man.

A group of people was captured sleeping on platform 8-9 of the train station when the unidentified suspect was captured hovering around them, Hindustan Times reported Sunday.

The video, posted on social media Saturday, shows the suspect approaching the seven-month-old baby lying next to his sleeping mother and lifting the infant up with one hand first. The man then takes hold of the baby in both arms and runs away. The mother and the others sleeping beside her do not seem to have noticed as the man disappears from the camera's sight with the child.

Sachin Kaushik, a police officer from Uttar Pradesh, shared the video on social media and asked people for any information that could lead to finding the kidnapper's whereabouts.

The person took away a "7-months-old baby sleeping with his mother," the officer said.

"Help catch this person," read the translation of Kaushik's tweet. "You just Retweet and share its photos / videos ... I am sure he will be caught."

The video has amassed 2 million views so far and has been retweeted over 45,200 times.

Kaushik also shared a photo of the suspect standing on the platform, according to NDTV.

Investigators sieved through CCTV footage from the station to find more details about the suspect.

Four teams of Government Railway Police (GRP) are now part of the manhunt to catch the suspect. The search for the man has taken investigators to nearby districts as well.

A similar incident was reported earlier this year after a 3-month-old baby was kidnapped in California. A male suspect, accused of entering the family's apartment, was captured on camera walking away with the baby in a carrier while the child's grandmother was fetching groceries from her car.

Representational image (baby)
Representational image (Source: Pixabay / Marisa_Sias)