Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle's single gray hair recently made headlines. Pictured: Markle is seen ahead of her visit to the iconic Titanic Belfast during her trip with Prince Harry to Northern Ireland on Mar. 23, 2018 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. Getty Images/Charles McQuillan

Marie Claire recently went under fire for promoting a story about Meghan Markle’s gray hair.

The article was written by Sally Holmes, and it was promoted on the publication’s official Twitter account. The title of the story was “Meghan Markle has a Single Gray Hair,” and it featured a close up photo of Prince Harry’s fiancée’s single non-black lock.

Inside the article are the words, “Important news: Meghan Markle, human, has a gray hair. She revealed this truth when she left the house and it was, well, right there on her head.”

The writer went on to say that she also has some gray hairs and it’s nice to know that Markle, a member of the royal family, is just like everyone else.

The Twitter post and article have since been deleted, but The Star took notice of how the story promoted awkward duality. Emma Teitel, a columnist for the publication said that Holmes was wrong to single out Markle for undergoing a perfectly natural process called aging.

A slew of women, who also happen to be fans of Markle and of aging, shared photos of their gray hairs on social media as a protest against Holmes’ story.

Liana Aghajanian, another journalist, slammed Marie Claire on Twitter.

“Marie Claire over here writing about a single grey hair on the glorious head of Meghan Markle. Adjust your perspective, this is ridiculous,” she wrote.

Several other royal fans called the article ludicrous. One fan said that the article is not newsworthy. Another critic said that she got gray hairs since she was 13 so it is not a big deal.

Teitel concluded her post by writing, “Marie Claire and the like should stick to the following principle: What you’re wearing is fair game. Have at it critiquing that which a person can easily change (her clothes). But lay off the human being underneath. If you don’t like Markle’s dress or her hat, say so. But shut up about the greys on her head.”

In related news, all eyes will continue to be on the 36-year-old former actress since her wedding to Prince Harry is just five weeks away. The royal couple will tie the knot on May 19 at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle at 12 noon. Receptions will follow at St. George’s Hall and Frogmore House.