Meghan Markle has already been a mom for almost six months. But after she announced her pregnancy last year, the Duchess of Sussex faced backlash from some royal fans.

On the online forum site Quora, the majority of the royal fans said that Markle’s pregnancy upset them because it happened a little too soon. Arriba Stafford, a graduate from the Eastern Michigan University, said that ideally, she would have wanted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to wait for at least a year after their wedding to have a baby.

“A baby will add a whole different dynamic to their relationship, and taking the time to cement a relationship prior to the conception and eventual birth of a child would have simply looked better in the public eye. Plus, this is yet another reason why they will be in the news,” she said.

Royal fan Leisha Young dubbed Markle as a B-grade actress who married Prince Harry because she had no concept of the actual work required as a member of the royal family. And now, the Duchess of Sussex is already trapped.

“What she has slowly started to realize, and you can actually see the blood draining from her face as she realizes it, is that she has been ‘trapped’ by Harry, because he saw a woman who had no concept of what she would be marrying into, and said ‘Yup! That’s what I want, and she has no idea what THIS is all about, so I’m going to pounce, and get her pregnant and then she is ‘trapped,’” she said.

But Abigail Macdonald came to Markle’s defense by saying that no one should be angry at her for getting pregnant shortly after her wedding because she’s already in her late 30s.

“What is it about Meghan Markle that arouses such bitterness and obvious hatred? Do the people who write about her know her as a person? Are they swayed by the bad press generated by her bitter and envious sister? Are they jealous of her success? Resentful that it isn’t them?” she said.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle is pictured at the launch of the Smart Set clothing collection on Sept. 12, 2019 in London. Philip Panting