Ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry in 2018, her half-sister, Samantha Markle, has been slamming her sibling in the press. Although the Duchess of Sussex is no longer in contact with her father’s side of the family, Samantha blames her sister for the family’s damaged relationship.

Following Prince Harry and Meghan’s ITV documentary about their struggle to deal with criticism from the media, Samantha slammed her sister for complaining about her life of privilege.

During an interview with Inside Edition, Samantha called out Meghan who claimed no one has asked her how she is doing since joining the royal family. “For her to have the audacity to say something like, it’s nice to know that somebody wants to know if I’m ok. I thought: ‘Wow, did you ever ask dad if he was ok during two heart attacks?’”

“I think it’s really ludicrous that someone who is escorted around the world by millions of dollars worth of security on private jets as a millionaire could ever complain about anything,” Samantha added.

In the 2018 book, “Meghan: A Hollywood Princess,” Andrew Morton claimed Samantha, who is 17 years older than Meghan, has been jealous of her sister since she was a child. The royal biographer alleged that the relationship between the siblings became strained when Meghan began insisting she was their father’s favorite child.

“[Samantha] often told the story of a time before Christmas when Meghan was looking at a jewelry catalog and picking out a ring which Tom Sr. had promised as a gift,” he wrote.

“She teased her much older sister by saying that whatever her father bought [Samantha], Meghan would receive the most expensive gift, as she was the most favored child.”

The author claimed Samantha was initially “indifferent” when it came to Meghan, but grew jealous of her younger sister when their father gave her his attention. The siblings no longer speak to one another, and Samantha has not met Meghan’s husband, Prince Harry, or their son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle is pictured at the launch of the Smart Set clothing collection on Sept. 12, 2019 in London. Philip Panting