Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves recently called the state's water crisis an "immediate health threat," as residents of Jackson have been without reliable tap water for nearly a week.

But the city received some encouraging news Sunday as officials announced that water pressure should soon be restored across the city. A press release from the city stated the O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant has exceeded its water pressure goal.

"The O.B. Curtis Water Plant again made significant gains overnight and into this morning. The total plant output has increased to 90 PSI. This is exceeding our goal of 87 PSI or better. The outlook continues to be positive," the statement read.

"However, additional challenges as repairs and adjustments are made do leave potential for fluctuations in progress."

By exceeding the goal, officials said that water pressure was restored throughout the city. "All tanks saw increased storage levels overnight. Multiple tanks are approaching full. We no longer have any tanks at low levels," the statement read.

"All of Jackson should now have pressure, and most are now experiencing normal pressure."

Since July 30, the predominantly Black city, which consists of an estimated 150,000 residents, has been living under a boil-water notice. The area was hit by rainwater flooding that hobbled an already-troubled water treatment plant.

The water crisis caused Jackson State University to delay its move-in date and return to virtual learning. Grade school teachers, students, and families have also moved towards virtual learning.

This isn't the first time a lack of drinkable water has interrupted students' school year.

"This has been a break that has been waiting to happen, and it's a byproduct of an aging infrastructure and water system that's badly needed repairs and requires major, major dollars to fix," Jackson State University President Thomas Hudson said.

"That's been known for a while, and we really need to find a long-term fix here."

Although water pressure has returned, Jackson residents remain under the boil water notice. Officials are still working to increase the water quantity and water quality at the O.B. Curtis plant.

The city hopes to begin the sampling process midweek, but that can only happen if the water pressure is sustained. To remove the boil water notice, the city needs to obtain two rounds of clear samples.

Jackson, Mississippi, to go without reliable drinking water indefinitely