crime scene
Representational image Getty Images/Jonathan Alcorn

A woman allegedly killed her two children and chopped their bodies before dumping them in a toilet. The incident took place in Kabolebo village in Tinderet, Kenya, local media said Thursday.

Local police said they found the bodies of the two children in a pit toilet and believe the 31-year-old woman may have dumped the bodies Tuesday. The children were identified as Ivy Chelang’at, 11, and Berly Chepchumba, 7.

Local police said the mother likely killed the children in the room that she shared with the children in her aunt’s home. She had been living there for the past 11 years. Police said blood stains were found in the bedroom, where the children were suspected to have been murdered.

Since the killings, the woman has disappeared and police are searching for her.

The woman's family members and neighbors found the bodies of the children in the toilet Wednesday, local media reported. The suspect’s aunt, Rebecca Mutai, 49, and her husband Simon Mutai, 52, told the Standard they were not home when the incident took place.

“That morning she told me the seven-year-old child was sick and could not go to school. I advised her to bring the child to hospital. The 11-year-old went to school as usual,” she said.

Area Assistant Chief Joseph Koech and police officers from Songhor Police Station retrieved the bodies from the toilet. “We are saddened by this incident, it is the first of its kind in our otherwise peaceful village,” Koech said, adding that an investigation was underway.

india crime
Representational image of police officials investigating a crime scene in Bangalore, Karnataka, in southern India, Sept. 5, 2017. MANJUNATH KIRAN/AFP/Getty Images