A couple died after falling from the third-floor balcony of an apartment complex while having sex. The incident took place in Carapungo district of Ecuador on Thursday.

The incident came to light after a neighbor heard a loud crash and rushed outside her home to find the couple lying in a pool of blood. The unidentified neighbor immediately alerted the police.

Officials said the couple, a 28-year-old woman and her 35-year-old boyfriend, was having sex after a house party when they fatally plunged onto the terrace below. A relative of the unnamed woman said she had an eight-year-old daughter and had recently thrown a graduation party at her home.

Meanwhile, Calderon Police District Operations Chief Cristhian Trujillo said the investigation was ongoing to find out the exact circumstances behind the incident. The bodies were sent for autopsy.

The incident comes two months after a couple fell to their deaths while making out on a bridge in Peru. Hector Vidal and Maybeth Espinoz were walking back home from a club when they stopped at the Bethlehem Bridge. Shortly after they began to kiss, the couple lost balance and fell 50 feet. CCTV footage showed Espinoz sitting on the railing and wrapping her legs around Vidal. Suddenly, she begins to tilt backward. As Vidal tries to pull her, he too loses his balance and the two fall to the road below.

UK Police Tape
In this image, a police tape is photographed in Chester, United Kingdom, July 4, 2018. Christopher Furlong/Getty Images