Trying to find out if you have a sleep disorder or if it is just a poor sleep habit can be a bit of a 'chicken or the egg' situation. You might not be sleeping well due to poor sleep hygiene or if your sleep disorder is keeping you stay awake at night, it could also result in unhealthy sleeping habits.

But worry not! Here are a few ways to tell which one of the two is your case:

1. It’s a sleep disorder if you sleep more than usual at daytime- Daytime sleepiness can be attributed to sleep disorders. Although a majority of people with poor sleep habits can function well during the daytime, but if you usually have healthy sleep habits and are experiencing poor sleep quality, it is time to fix an appointment with a sleep specialist.

2. Sleep disorders exhibit a consistent pattern- If you find yourself facing a sleep issue such as difficulty in trying to fall asleep, not being able to stay asleep, waking up extremely early, feeling like you have hardly slept, dozing off regularly during the day, it could possibly indicate sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome or narcolepsy.

3. Irresistible urge to move your legs during bedtime- This is a serious warning sign of a sleep disorder called restless leg syndrome. You might have such uncomfortable sensation in your legs, arms or other body parts and might have an irresistible urge to move your legs. It also causes an uncomfortable and itchy ‘pins and needles’ sensations in the legs.

4. Difficulty concentrating at work or school is a warning sign- Most people with poor sleep hygiene do not find any impairment at work, school or other activities such as driving, etc. So if you find yourselves facing any such problems, it indicates a sleep disorder.

5. Loud snoring, breathing or gasping noises during sleep indicates sleep apnea- Snoring is likely to indicate sleep apnea, especially when followed by silent breathing pauses and choking or gasping sounds.

6. Experiencing vivid hallucinations at sleep is a sign of narcolepsy- Narcolepsy is a sleeping disorder that causes sudden attacks of sleep. The symptoms include hallucinations, sleep paralysis, memory problems and sudden loss in muscle tone.

Tired and Sleeping
If that sluggish feeling doesn’t seem to go away with rest and becomes a daily occurrence, it could mean that you are lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. Pictured: A model rests backstage before parading the Chenwen studio collection by Chen Wen during China Fashion Week Getty Images/Nicolas Asfouri