Winter came early to Storybrooke in Season 4 of “Once Upon a Time.” Episode 2, “White Out,” aired on ABC on Sunday, Oct. 5, finally introducing Elsa (Georgina Haig) to the good townsfolk – the only problem? Her first meeting almost resulted in Emma (Jennifer Morrison) freezing to death.

Elsa sprung into action after discovering Anna’s (Elizabeth Lail) snowflake necklace at Mr. Gold’s pawnshop. Bent on finding her sister, Elsa surrounded the town in a wall of ice to prevent anyone from leaving. Unfortunately that also knocked the power out, alerting David (Josh Dallas), Emma, Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) that trouble was brewing in town.

David, Emma and Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) went to the wall to inspect what they were up against. It was there that Emma spotted Elsa lurking behind the ice. As Emma went to go speak to the frightened girl, David took the time to warn Hook that they have to talk about Hook’s “intentions” for Emma. But that awkward chat was cut short when they went after Emma and accidentally frightened Elsa – leading her to create a cave of ice separating her and Emma from David and Hook.

Fortunately Emma had a walkie-talkie on her end, and was able to give Elsa’s list of demands to David and Hook– find Anna before she freezes the town and everyone in it.

David and Hook set out to do some digging at Mr. Gold’s to try and figure out who Anna is and where she could be. It was there that David realized that he had met Anna before.

A flashback to the Enchanted Forest of the past revealed that Anna (Elizabeth Lail) had went to a sheep farm in search of David (Josh Dallas) – who was a long-haired wimp in his pre-royalty days. David just happened to know Kristoff (Scott Michael Foster) from their time in Kappa Tau Gamma. Just kidding, but “OUAT” did choose to keep how David and Kristoff became friends a secret.

As viewers learned in the Season 4 premiere, Anna was headed to the Enchanted Forest to search for answers to Elsa’s magic. She simply went to David for a place to rest for the night, but ended up getting wrapped up in some local drama when Little Bo Peep arrived at David’s farm. However this Little Bo Peep wasn’t the one that fans might remember from their childhood – she was a powerful warlord who demanded payment from farmers.

Little Bo Peep demanded a certain sum of money from David and his mother, but they didn’t have the funds to hand over. The warlord gave them one more day to find the payment and “branded” them so that they would be forced to work off their debt. David was ready to give in and work off his debt, however Anna told him that he had to fight in order to life. David told her that there was no point, but changed his tune in the morning when Little Bo Peep took Anna and “branded” her.

In his first sword fight, David defeated Little Bo Peep and her men. He used her magic sheep staff to find Anna’s location, setting her free to continue her journey to find the answers to Elsa’s magic. Her next stop? Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle).

With this new knowledge, David went to the Storybrooke butcher – who prior to the curse was Little Bo Peep. Needless to say, Little Bo Peep wasn’t willing to help him. However David wasn’t willing to take no for an answer, especially with Emma slowly freezing to death trapped behind the ice. Together David and Hook managed to steal Bo Peep’s magical sheep staff and returned to the wall to talk to Elsa. Even though they still didn’t know where Anna was, David was able to give Elsa hope that they would find her sister.

Despite Elsa’s magic being unpredictable, the Arendelle Queen was able to break a hole through the ice wall. Hook quickly pulled Emma out, pulling her in for a sweet embrace before bringing her back to town to warm her up.

By that time, Mary Margaret had successfully got the power working again – even with a little mental meltdown. The group all reconvened at the Charming residence where David used the staff to search for Anna. However the staff didn’t trigger any images of where Anna might be. Elsa immediately thought that Anna might be dead … but a heartbeat began to sound.

Elsa was ecstatic with this new lead on her sister and went with Emma to break down the ice wall surrounding the town. But for some reason Elsa couldn’t do it. Episode 2 of “Once Upon a Time” concluded with Leroy (Lee Arenberg) in the town ice cream shop – which was conveniently unaffected by the power outage thanks to the owner’s (Elizabeth Mitchell) icy magic.