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Building a market that most people think is impossible and boring, Pall Musaev brought life to Mr. Lid containers, a pioneering brand for plastic containers with superhinge technology as a quantum leap in storage solutions. The product's lid stays attached and clicks in place easily and securely, which makes it very easy to find the lid when you need it.

Pall Musaev the pioneer behind Mr. Lid, wearing Mr. Lid merchandise. Mr. Lid

Pall Musaev's entrepreneurial career began when he was just 16 years old. He learned the ropes of the tech space and built his own company at 17, setting up computer networks, website development, graphic design, and coding. At the age of 25, he realized that the business side of tech is more appealing rather than the latest and greatest software. He then transitioned into looking for new opportunities and companies to grow.

Musaev then entered the career of consulting, where he met different leaders and business owners who were passionate in their fields of business. A chance meeting led to him meeting an owner of Sussex Injection Molding (SIM) and learning all about their product — Mr. Lid containers. His interests were piqued as he saw a unique opportunity to market a fantastic, made-in-the-USA product, in a new, fresh, and delightful way.

Mr. Lid was created in 2011 by Sussex Injection Molding (SIM), a single-source plastic injection molding company located in Sussex, Wisconsin. The molding company made products with hinges for makeup containers, and the founder had the idea to bring the same technology to household containers.

"It looks pretty easy and simple but it's actually quite complicated to make. The brilliant team behind it really did a good job in making the product extremely functional and durable," Musaev says.

With SIM remaining as the manufacturer, Musaev purchased the intellectual property and the tools to create a brand that stood out not only with a unique feature but also in vision and mission. Mr. Lid has become a product as well as a movement to eradicate single-use containers. Backed by a passionate leader and the core values of quality, reliability, and fun, Mr. Lid is positioned to become the next accessory to your water bottle and reusable shopping bag.

Mr. Lid's containers feature different characteristics that take home organizing to the next level. Not only are the lids attached but they are stackable, making the space of any kitchen, garage, or home more organized. Mr. Lid is BPA-free, dishwasher-safe, microwave-safe, freezer-safe, and fully recyclable.

Mr Lid
Mr Lid

"Customers have reported using the same Mr. Lid container for 10 years, which directly speaks to our durability. We have taken Mr. Lid to the next level by completing the life cycle. Now, with the line of Mr. Lid containers made from 100% recycled food grade FDA-approved plastic, we are taking our company to a whole new level," states Musaev, "Reviving the brand image and introducing people to Mr. Lid, we found that consumers share the same vision as us in eradicating single-use containers that are harmful to the environment."

Musaev envisions collaborating with top brands that hold the same values as Mr. Lid, opening doors to any partnerships. Mr. Lid can be customized in three ways, the color/opacity of the lid, the color/opacity of the container, as well as a full-color graphic inserted into the lid to fit any brand identity. Mr Lid also handles the production and distribution of the products, so that its partners won't have to.

"This is the story that I want to tell the world about Mr. Lid, it is not just a simple plastic container. There's more to the brand than meets the eye, we have a vision to eradicate single-use containers and encourage everyone to use reusable Mr. Lid containers," Musaev says.