Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth II
Pictured: Princess Diana, the Queen at the Braemer Highland games. Getty Images/PA/AFP

Queen Elizabeth II couldn’t stand Princess Diana for a shocking reason.

The Queen and Princess of Wales’ relationship was very good at the start. The royal family, including Queen Elizabeth II, were rooting for Princess Diana for Prince Charles. However, things took a different turn after she married the Prince of Wales.

According to Robert Arissen, when Princess Diana joined the Firm, she seemed to have changed what the monarchy was all about. Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth II had different views on how to handle royal life. To make matters worse, Princess Diana was not the one who keeps her opinion to herself. In addition, she was growing more popular than anybody else in the royal family, including the monarch, herself.

“Diana was quickly becoming the star of the family, and it didn’t sit well with Queen Elizabeth,” Arissen wrote.

“It appeared as if Diana was becoming more of a celebrity than a princess, and the queen was left wondering why. This caused tension between the two, as Queen Elizabeth had a specific idea of how the royals should portray themselves, and with her strong opinions and even stronger personality, Diana wasn’t exactly following protocol.”

In one interview, Princess Diana said that she sought the help of Queen Elizabeth II in her last attempt to save her marriage with Prince Charles. She asked the Queen what she could do to make her relationship with the heir apparent work and she was sobbing when she approached the monarch. However, Queen Elizabeth II reportedly just said, “I don’t know what you should do.”

Although the Queen and Princess Diana didn’t have a perfect relationship, Her Majesty was affected following her daughter-in-law’s death. In a letter sent to a friend, Queen Elizabeth II described Princess Diana’s death “dreadfully sad” and said that it was a “huge loss to the country.”

Queen Elizabeth II was also criticized for not flying to London immediately after the accident. She was castigated for keeping Prince William and Prince Harry in Balmoral.

Margaret Rhodes, a close friend of the Queen’s, supported her decision. According to Margaret, if she were in the monarch’s position, she would do the same.