Queen Elizabeth II’s residence is not the most secure place in the U.K.

The royals gather at the Buckingham Palace’s balcony for the annual Trooping of the Colour. The place is very popular because it’s where the monarch lives. However, it turns out that it’s not well-protected as many might imagine.

In the Channel 5 documentary “Royal Scandals,” the royal experts shared surprising details about a security breach in Buckingham Palace.

“You would think that Buckingham Palace is one of the most secure properties in the land – you’re wrong,” Princess Diana ’s former butler Paul Burrell said.

“Back in the day, the security was there, but not enough.”

Burrell recalled an incident in 1982 when Queen Elizabeth found Michael Fagan in her room. Fagan managed to get into the Buckingham Palace through an open window and wander straight into the Queen’s bedroom.

He tipped the palace alarm, but the police at the time thought they were malfunctioning, so they switched them off. In addition, the guard stationed outside Her Majesty’s door was not at his post. Queen Elizabeth II rang the police switchboard for help, but nobody answered because it was early in the morning.

“He could have easily killed the Queen in her bed, and that would have been it,” The Sun’s royal correspondent Emily Andrews said.

“He sat on her bed and apparently she kept him calm by having a nice chat!”

During their encounter, Fargan was gripping a broken ashtray and was bleeding in the Queen’s counterpane. She was worried about the bloodstain on her bedclothes but wasn’t worried about her safety. However, the encounter caused a stir because anything could have happened to the monarch.

Thankfully, Paul Whybrew, the Queen’s personal page, was there to rescue Her Majesty. He was honored as a faithful servant and is still by the Queen’s side to this day. Meanwhile, Willie Whitelaw, the home secretary, offered his resignation over the incident.

Prince Charles reportedly doesn’t want to move to Buckingham Palace when he takes over the throne. However, the Prince of Wales will be forced to move there according to royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams because it’s the “world famous headquarters of the British monarchy.”

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II is seen at the Chichester Theatre while visiting West Sussex on Nov. 30, 2017, in Chichester, United Kingdom. Getty Images/Stuart C. Wilson