Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., was featured on Fox News Sunday where he shared his thoughts on Georgia’s new voter regulations, as well as his assault weapons.

"I own an AR-15," Graham told Chris Wallace. "If there's a natural disaster in South Carolina where the cops can't protect my neighborhood, my house will be the last ones that the gangs will come to because I can defend myself."

Graham has often spoken about his ownership of AR-15s and other guns, most recently when there were talks of the Senate rejecting the ownership of certain firearms.

Social media pounced on Graham's comments. Some of the comments were humorous, while others were scathing.

Graham also concluded that he ultimately defended the 96-page bill passed in Georgia by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp that restricts voter access.

This new law includes broad changes to absentee voting rules, new identification requirements, as well as pushing back the request deadline.

US Senator Lindsey Graham, an ally of President Donald Trump, is in the toughest re-election fight of his career, against Democrat Jaime Harrison
US Senator Lindsey Graham, an ally of President Donald Trump, is in the toughest re-election fight of his career, against Democrat Jaime Harrison AFP / Logan Cyrus