• Experiencing bloating and stomach pain is normal
  • There are things that you can do in order to prevent these conditions from happening
  • You must avoid certain food groups to help prevent stomach pain and bloating

Stomach pain and bloating are common problems that many suffer from. Most of the time, trapped wind within the tummy causes the conditions. This can be embarrassing for many, especially when the “wind” starts to create so much pressure within the abdomen.

Health experts have recommended that in order for you to prevent these from occurring, you need to cut back on certain foods. These foods could help lessen bloating and stomach pain. So what are these foods that you may need to avoid soon?

The Culprit

According to a study that was found in the Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology journal, participants of the study who ate protein-rich diets had a higher chance of experiencing bloating. The increased rate was at 40%, a number that is very significant. On the other hand, comparing the figures to those who ate carbohydrate-rich diets, the latter had a lower risk compared to the former.

foods to avoid stomach bloating and pain
foods to avoid stomach bloating and pain Shutterbug75 - Pixabay

In the study, 164 people participated. Their age on the average was 53 years old. For about 6 weeks, 3 groups were given certain food groups to eat. One group was given a diet with a high concentration of protein. The other was given high carbs. The other one was given unsaturated fat composition.

About 4 weeks after, they resumed their normal diet. Then they were again asked to take part in a 6-week diet program, which was now comprised of high fiber. This time, it was either with more protein, unsaturated fat, or carbs.

After the study, researchers found out that those who ate high-fiber diets, together with protein-rich diets, were more likely to suffer from bloating and stomach pain. According to Noel Mueller, the co-author of the experiment, the protein in the mentioned diets was “mostly from vegetable sources.” These included nuts, legumes, and beans. Other sources of protein were cheese, eggs, and chicken.

The Suggested Combination

Accordingly, the right kind of diet would be a combination of fiber and carbs. It must not be fiber and protein, as this can lead to bloating. Good carb sources include sugars and starches that are found in vegetables, fruits, and milk products.

More Tips To Avoid Bloating

An Express report revealed that you must not eat too fast as this contributes to bloating. It is highly advised that you take time to chew and masticate your food. Eating fast gets air into your mouth, which you also swallow together with your food.