A viral TikTok video has exposed a white woman who allegedly filed a false police report against a Black teen for following her around a grocery store.

The user, Babekoa, took to the social media app to share the security camera footage of the incident that took place in Minnesota earlier this month, Daily Dot reported.

The clip shows the teen entering the store and shopping for donuts while minding his own business. Minutes later, the woman walks in and seems to be "sort of circling him" with her hands on her hips, Babekoa said, adding, "She’s just watching him. Almost stalker-ish." A while later, the teen leaves the store with a bag of items that he purchased.

Babekoa went on to add that about 30 minutes later the woman filed a police complaint stating that the boy was following her around the store.

The user showed a picture of what appeared to be the police report.

"I spoke to the [reporting person] and learned that she believed the male appeared to be shadowing her in the store, causing her to be afraid to go out to her car alone," the alleged report stated.

Slamming the woman for falsely reporting the Black teen, Babekoa said in the video, "So she called the police and said that this little boy was stalking her, when in the video, it shows she was stalking him. And I would like to have that we have the whole store’s footage, and at no point did this boy ever follow her."

"You owe this family an apology. This child deserves justice for what you’ve done," the user added.

The video has since gone viral, receiving over 132,000 views as of Thursday. Several people took to the comments section to say that the woman needed to be held accountable and that charges should be filed against her for the wrongful report.

"She needs to be charged and this should go on her record, reporting false crimes is a danger to society and everyone needs to be protected from her," one person commented.

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