Donald Trump’s fiery response to new claims that Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was concerned the former president would stage a military coup to stay in power resulted in the folks on Twitter comparing the statement to the book “If I Did It” by O.J. Simpson and Pablo Fenjves.

Excerpts from the upcoming book “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final” by Carol D. Leonnig and Philip Rucker claimed Milley feared the former president might attempt a coup and began making informal plans toward the end of Trump’s term to prevent it.

On Thursday, Trump issued a statement denying he considered a coup. “So ridiculous! Sorry to inform you, but an Election is my form of ‘coup,’ and if I was going to do a coup, one of the last people I would want to do it with is General Mark Milley,” Trump said.

Trump went on to attack Milley and slam the accusations about him. “I saw at that moment he had no courage or skill, certainly not the type of person I would be talking ‘coup’ with. I’m not into coups!” he stated.

Following his statement, “If I Did It” began trending on Twitter, with people comparing Trump’s statement to the book written by Simpson, who was tried for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

“If I Did It” tells a hypothetical story of how the murders of Brown and Goldman could have happened if Simpson committed them.

Simpson was found not guilty for the slaying of his ex-wife and Goldman in the criminal trial but was later found liable in the civil trial.

Facebook and Twitter banned Donald Trump over his incendiary comments that preceded the US Capitol insurrection by his supporters
Facebook and Twitter banned Donald Trump over his incendiary comments that preceded the US Capitol insurrection by his supporters AFP / MANDEL NGAN