Senator Chuck Schumer
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks after the Senate voted to override U.S. President Barack Obama's veto of a bill that would allow lawsuits against Saudi Arabia's government over the Sept. 11 attacks, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Sept. 28, 2016. REUTERS/JOSHUA ROBERTS

In his first speech as Senate minority leader, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer warned President-elect Donald Trump against adopting a “Twitter presidency,” adding that Trump would fail if he refuses to take the opinions of conservative leaders in Congress on major policy decisions.

“‘Making America Great Again’ requires more than 140 characters per issue,” Schumer reportedly said Tuesday referring to the real estate mogul’s campaign slogan. “With all due respect, America cannot afford a Twitter presidency. We have real challenges and we need to get real things done.”

“If President-elect Trump lets the hard-right members of Congress and his cabinet run the show, if he attempts to adopt their time-worn policies which benefit the elites, the special interests, corporate America—not the working man and woman—his presidency will not succeed,“ Schumer continued. ”Maybe not in the first 90 days, but certainly not in the first two years.”

The New York senator accused Trump of ignoring America’s fears over Trump preferring to make 140-character announcements instead of “rolling up your sleeves and forging serious policies.”

“There’s nothing wrong with using Twitter to speak to the American people,” Schumer said. "It’s a good use of modern media. But these issues are complex and demand both careful consideration and action. We cannot tweet them away.”

Speaking on the first day of the 115th session of Congress, Schumer emphasized that Democrats would work with Trump and the Republicans on bipartisan issues like increasing investment in infrastructure that would generate more jobs for Americans.

“It is not our job to be a rubber stamp,” Schumer said. “It is our job to do what’s best for the American people, the middle class and those struggling to get there. If the President-elect proposes legislation that achieves that — on issues like infrastructure, trade...for instance — we will work in good faith to perfect and, potentially, enact it. When he doesn’t, we will resist.”

Last week, Schumer — along with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — urged Democrats in Congress to take to the streets in January to protest any cuts to healthcare plans or subsidies that the incoming Trump administration may impose.

In a letter sent to their colleagues, the three leaders wrote: “On Sunday, January 15th, ahead of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, there will be a day of action — ‘Our First Stand: Save Health Care.’ Rallies will be held around the country to vigorously oppose the Republican plan to end Medicare as we know it and throw our health care system into chaos.”