Lack of sleep is common in first world countries, particularly the UK. Statistics show that one in three Britons suffer from sleep deprivation. While some may say they are already used to it, such a habit can take a toll mentally and physically.

Changing this habit is a must. Good thing there are ways to help get rid of this habit.

Evening Routines

The Sleep Council revealed there are major evening routines to remember. The first is eating and drinking the ideal amount of food and water. The health organization cautions against consuming heavy meals during night-time as this can upset the natural winding down process of one’s body.

The health group opines that drinking lots of liquid before going to bed may cause you to get up to go to the bathroom during the wee hours of the morning. On the other hand, going to bed on an empty stomach also increases the risk of waking up during unholy hours. This is why there is a need to find just the right amount of food and drink needed when going to bed.

What you can do to sleep effectively
What you can do to sleep effectively xianying_xu - Pixabay

Getting hooked on electronics may also cause sleep deprivation. The Sleep Council noted that blue light radiating from electronic devices could keep you awake. This is because the blue light radiated by screens of television sets, computers, and other electronic gadgets delays melatonin discharge, a sleep-inducing hormone.

Studies also revealed that blue light increases the body’s alertness and reset its internal clock to a later time. At the same time, the distraction caused by these electronic devices can keep one awake for hours.

No More Alcohol

Forget alcohol as a means to beat sleep deprivation. For a long time, the prevailing belief is that alcohol is a sedative. The Sleep Council disagrees, however, as consuming alcohol can cause one to sleep lightly.

That means that while alcohol may cause you to sleep at first, there is a strong chance you will encounter dozens of waking moments the entire night. As if this is not enough, alcohol consumption may cause you to feel tired the next day.

This is because drinking alcohol at night will slow down the natural evening elevations in the human growth hormone. This hormone plays a huge role in the circadian rhythm or the natural process that regulates the sleeping and waking cycle.

So to get a good night’s rest, try to avoid eating and drinking more than you should, set aside your electronic gadgets during bedtime, and avoid drinking yourself to sleep.