Type 2 diabetes has somehow become an epidemic, affecting millions of people all over the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that in the United States alone, more than 30 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, and approximately 90 to 95 percent suffer from Type 2 diabetes.

With this glaring data, it is safe to conclude that the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is increasing very fast. Scientists have identified food as one of the primary culprits that put people at risk for this type of diabetes. One study revealed that those who want to be at a lesser risk for Type 2 diabetes should cut back on one particular food group.

The Danish Health Authority revealed a pattern among those who are newly diagnosed as Type 2 diabetes sufferers. They are, most of the time, overweight. Doctors recommend that these new patients must focus on losing weight to help regulate their blood sugar levels.

Cut back on carbohydrates to help regulate blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetes patients
Cut back on carbohydrates to help regulate blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetes patients. Igor Ovysyannykov - Pexels

The diet that is recommended for the prevention of Type 2 diabetes is to eat fewer calories than what you burn. Also, these foods must have low-fat content and a low glycemic index.

Another study done at the University of Copenhagen found that Type 2 diabetes patients exhibited lower blood sugar levels when they eat fewer carbohydrates and more fat and protein. In a span of twelve weeks, 28 diabetic patients participated, which resulted in the above findings.

In the study, the participants were given a high-carb diet for six weeks, and a low-carb diet for another six weeks. As per the results published in Science Daily, “Patients with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to regulate blood sugar levels if they eat food with reduced carbohydrate content.”

The study led to one definitive conclusion, reducing carbohydrates in the diet and increasing protein and fat helps in treating high blood sugar. It also highlighted that it is not just Type 2 diabetes patients who benefit from cutting back sugar, but doing so can greatly contribute to better overall health.

Some of the hi-carb foods that you may need to cut back from your diet to help in regulating blood sugar include bread, sugary drinks, flavored drinks, soda, and a lot more. If you are unsure, it is best to check the nutrition labels of the foods before picking them off the shelf of the supermarket.