UFO Enthusiast Claims ‘Alien Life’ Present In Planet Ceres

In a shocking claim, a self-titled UFO expert said alien life exists in the small planet Ceres which sits between Mars and Jupiter.
Ceres is a small planet that sits between Mars and Jupiter in our solar system, the Express reported. This dwarf planet is made up of ice and rock and measures only 590 miles in diameter, but a prominent alien hunter claimed that this planet the size of Texas is teeming with alien life.
Self-titled astrobiologist Scott Waring was looking at images of Ceres when he claimed he found not just one “but hundreds of buildings on planet Ceres.” He claimed that this dwarf planet is “littered” with alien structures everywhere in its southern pole region, and that these structures are clear indicators of alien existence.
He made a long video where “new structures” would appear “every half minute,” showing that there is indeed proof of alien existence somewhere outside Earth.
Waring further claimed that this dwarf planet “had life on it long before human life ever evolved on Earth.” He then went on to give a more detailed and creative explanation, saying these aliens are humans’ “ancient descendants” and that these aliens placed humans on Earth as part of an “experiment.”
Expert rebuttal
Some might choose to believe these new claims, but according to earlier reports, some experts in history won’t.
The International Business Times previously reported that Dr. Danny R. Faulkner, from the University of South Carolina Lancaster, shared some of his opinions in an article he wrote for Answers in Genesis, saying “we are alone in the universe.” He cited three famous tests that prove humans are the only intelligent lifeform in the universe.
First, he said the Fermi paradox, created by physicist Enrico Fermi around 1950, claims that if there were intelligent alien civilizations outside Earth, they would’ve reached the earth by now while they travel and conquer other planets.
Second, he said the astronomer Frank Drake spent months looking for radio signals from other lifeforms in two nearby solar-like stars but found nothing. He also said others tried searching for signals in 670 nearby solar-like stars after Drake, but found nothing as well.
Lastly, Faulkner said scientists have discovered thousands of “exoplanets” -- earthlike planets that might be able to sustain life. None of these exoplanets, however, are actually capable of sustaining life. Only one planet is capable of doing that: Earth.