bachelor victoria
Victoria F. and Peter from "The Bachelor" Season 24. ABC

Fans of “The Bachelor” were treated to a 3-hour long episode Monday night which followed the contestants as they flew to Costa Rica for a new chance at a budding romance with star Peter Weber.

During the trip, the ladies were surprised with a Cosmopolitan photo-shoot with editor-in-chief Jessica Pels, in which they would all vie for Weber’s attention in front of a waterfall. Pels revealed during the Season 24 installment of the ABC series that one lucky contestant would be featured on an upcoming cover for Cosmopolitan.

When 26-year-old Virginia Beach native Victoria Fuller (known as Victoria F. on the show) nabbed the winning spot in the shoot, the other women were undoubtedly irritated. And although images of the shoot have already been printed, according to The Washington Post, it appears Fuller will not be featured on the magazine's cover after all.

Pels published a letter from the editor Monday night while the episode was airing, explaining why she and her team felt the need must pull Fuller from the cover. In it, she stated how she didn’t know anything about this year's “The Bachelor” contestants upon meeting them except for their names and “the energy they conveyed through the camera lens.”

“It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I found out that the woman I’d chosen had, in her past, modeled in an ad campaign wearing White Lives Matter attire,” Pels wrote.

The ad Pels is referring to is one Fuller modeled for in the past that was supposedly for a Marlin Lives Matter organization whose goal was to prevent white and blue marlin from being overfished. In the ad, which uses the phrasing “white lives matter,” Fuller herself can be seen adorned in the clothing, People reported.

No matter the aim of Fuller’s previous shoot, Pels said she still believes she made the right decision because “both phrases and the belief systems they represent are rooted in racism and therefore problematic.”

Fuller, who received a rose from Peter during Monday's installment, therefore keeping her safe from elimination, has yet to respond to the situation.