A family in Virginia tired of shelter-in-place restrictions amid the coronavirus crisis went on a drive for a change of scenery Saturday (May 16) and returned with a chock-full of fortune, $1M in cold cash that is.

David and Emily Schantz of Caroline County ventured out in their pickup truck with their children and drove their vehicle over what they initially thought was a bag of trash. They pulled over to check and collected the bag as well as another bag lying nearby. The family tossed both the bags in the back of their vehicle and drove home, CBS 6 reported.

Emily, who was behind the wheels, told the publication that she had the least idea that the bags contained the incredible amount in cash until they closely inspected them after reaching home. “Inside of the bag, there were plastic baggies and they were addressed with something that said ‘cash vault,'” she told CBS 6.

The family said they alerted the local deputies to the discovery. Cops determined the amount totaled nearly $1M. “They came back to Caroline, and found out they'd been riding around with almost a million dollars in the truck," Major Scott Moser told the publication.

Deputies believed that the bags belonged to the postal service and were headed for a bank. The exact reason why those ended up in the middle of the road in Goochland County was yet to be ascertained.

“For someone so honest and willing to give that almost a million dollars back, it’s exceptional on their part,” Moser told the outlet, referring to the family. “Their two sons were there, so I put the lights on for them, but we are proud and they represented this county well by being so honest."

Emily said she returned the bags on moral grounds. “Do the right thing and return it,” she told CBS 6. “Because it didn’t belong to us,” she added.

Cash is one of the most frequently passed items in the world. Pixabay