Watch Out For These Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms That Show In Stools

The pancreas is the gland located behind the stomach. Within this gland are the pancreatic islets or islets of Langerhans, areas where hormone-producing cells called endocrine is contained. These islets are responsible for producing insulin and glucagon.
This type of cancer is believed to be caused by the irregular and unrestrained growth of cells in the pancreas. During the early phase, tumor growth in the pancreas does not cause any symptoms. This characteristic makes it very hard for doctors to diagnose.
The sad this is that since many medical professionals are unable to detect it at an early stage, it is already in an advanced state by the time doctors can spot it. This is why identifying warning signs is vital to improving the chances of treatment success.
Digestive System Related Symptoms
The symptoms usually have something to do with the digestive system. There are a couple of warning signs, particularly where it involves your stool to look out for.
Pancreatic Cancer UK, an organization that seeks to help patients with this condition, says that among the warning signs to watch out for is oily or floaty stools. Also known as steatorrhoea, it occurs when pancreatic cancer has affected your digestion. This means that your body is unable to digest fat in food properly.
The poo may look pale, would smell awful, and may be difficult to flush down due to its large size. The health organization also warned that diarrhea and constipation are also signs of pancreatic cancer. If you are more than 60 years old, have gone through an unexplained weight loss, suffered diarrhea, or constipation, you should get a scan within two weeks.
More Pancreatic Cancer Signs
Other signs of this type of cancer include the whites of the eys and the skin showing a yellowish hue. Having an orange pee and itchy skin are also among the signs of pancreatic cancer. Feeling pain in the stomach or back area comes and goes at the start and is usually worse after eating or when lying down.
Diabetes symptoms may also occur if pancreatic cancer is present. This is because this type of cancer can cause your pancreas to produce insulin. It is very important to bear in mind that pancreatic cancer symptoms share similarities with other types of ailments.
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