Top Five Diets Revealed: Dash Diet Rules, Atkins Diet Looms at the Bottom
Top Five Diets Revealed: Dash Diet Rules, Atkins Diet Looms at the Bottom

Americans tend to overload on carbohydrates during Thanksgiving. After the hearty feast, many turn to diets to lose the extra holiday pounds or to start a healthy eating regimen.

One diet some may want to consider is the DASH Diet, which saw a jump in popularity in 2018.

What Exactly Is The DASH Diet?

DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It was created using research from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute during the 1990s with the aim of reducing hypertension through a balanced diet.

Since then, it's been proven through research that DASH can be helpful for weight loss and the prevention of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes.

How Does It Work?

DASH works by limiting saturated and trans fats while increasing nutrients that help control blood pressure. It doesn't function by reducing calories but by balancing calories across foods low in sodium and fats.

What Does DASH Consist Of?

The diet does include more fruits, vegetables and whole grains than other diets. The main goal of the diet is to reduce hypertension, not induce weight loss. Weight loss is a secondary benefit of the diet.

What Is A Meal Plan On DASH?

A typical day on the DASH diet could see meals like vegetable omelets or cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast, a grilled chicken salad or a chicken sandwich loaded with vegetables on whole wheat bread. Dinner could be spaghetti with a side of salad or salmon alongside vegetables. The trick is to ensure there are fruits and vegetables at every meal and pick lean cuts of meat or seafood.

What Do Experts Say?

"The DASH diet is so popular because it's probably the most robustly researched diet out there, specifically when it comes to heart health," said Dr. Mike Roussell, a nutrition advisor for Men's Health.