Twitter was inundated with drunk tweets on New Year's Eve. Reuters

#MillennialHistory was trending in the United States Friday as thousands of Twitter users posted tweets about historical events with a 21st-century twist. Started Thursday night by Comedy Central game show "@midnight," #MillennialHistory took important, factual happenings and turned them into jokes about the 18- to 34-year-old generation. Twelve hours after the hashtag's launch, the one-liners were still taking over Twitter.

Millennials, or people born in the early '80s and late '90s, comprise the United States' largest and most diverse generation. There are roughly 17 million more millennials than there are Baby Boomers, according to Generation WE.

Millennials are known in the media for having striking attitudes. Studies about the generation's characteristics constantly pop up in news stories and are often contradictory. Among the findings are that millennials feel entitled to success, don't participate in organized religion, are largely unemployed, are close to their families, are achievement-oriented, optimistic about the recession and don't vote.

The #MillennialHistory hashtag, being tweeted mostly by young people, pokes fun at those personality traits. It makes puns about memes, sayings and trends.

For example, one of @midnight's retweeted messages was "let them eat kale." That's a reference to the phrase legend says Marie Antoinette cried after hearing France's peasants didn't have bread, but Twitter tweaked it to tease the recent rise in popularity of the leafy green vegetable. Another post, "Marco YOLO," is, of course, a throwback to the 13th-century explorer. But it includes the slang term YOLO, which stands for "you only live once."

Self-aware and spreading across the Internet like wildfire, #MillennialHistory took aim at several hallmarks of millennial culture, including technology, the gluten-free trend, Jay Z, Starbucks cup sizes, iPhones, hipsters, crowdfunding campaigns, cronuts, Tinder and listicles. Nothing was safe.

Check out a few of the funniest examples: