Those who struggle with mental health may sometimes feel alone with the issues they face, but one man’s tweet has shown that an entire community is out there to show support and shared experiences.

A man named Edmund O’Leary took to Twitter Oct. 16 to share that he was struggling with some issues and having a bad day, and asked if others could drop a friendly hello if they saw his message to help him feel better. However, what he probably didn’t expect was for his Tweet to go viral, garnering over 12,000 retweets, 69,000 replies and 200,000 likes as of press time.

Many people from around the world quickly sent messages of support to O’Leary, with several, including CNN’s Jake Tapper quickly sharing photos of animals in an effort to help him feel better.

Other messages poured in from all corners of the world, with many sharing kind words and praising him for starting a conversation and helping show kindness with the thread of tweets.

The thread of tweets and the call for some positivity comes as many express concern about mental health during the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, which is once again seeing high numbers of cases around the world, as the holiday season creeps closer. In fact, in the United States, families are questioning their Thanksgiving plans with the pandemic still happening, and there is concern that not having some of the same traditions could cause further problems for those who feel isolated.

Currently, in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control recommends forgoing traditional Thanksgiving celebrations to comply with social distancing measures.

Mental Health
Mental Health Representational Image Pixabay/Wokandapix