Woman Shares Dangers Of Popping Pimple After It Left Her Feeling 'Like Death'
A woman declared that she is never popping a pimple ever again after the act sent her to the hospital and left her feeling “like death.”
Josie Miller from Tennessee took to TikTok to warn netizens about the dangers of pimple-popping and said in the caption that it led to “one of the worst experiences” of her life. Miller explained that it left her diagnosed with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) — an infection caused by a type of staph bacteria.
"[I] noticed a little bump on my face a couple of days ago and thought it was a normal pimple," Josie Miller wrote on her TikTok video, as quoted by Yahoo News Australia.
Miller said she popped the pimple but eventually noticed some swelling in the area.
“[it swelled] and started going down my neck,” Miller said as a bunch of photos showed her face and neck had swollen up and turned red.
She went on to say in the video’s text that she visited a doctor, who then drained the swollen area. However, she said she turned feverish after the procedure and felt "like death," but had no idea what the problem was.
Some TikTokers thought she may have been bitten by a spider. Others warned her not to wait and urged her to get medical attention.
"Fever is not a normal reaction to a cyst draining, pls go to the ER," one user wrote.
Miller’s video racked up 1.5 million views. She later posted a follow-up video where she explained that the doctors diagnosed her with MRSA. The bacteria that cause this type of infection are generally harmless and can be found on the skin or in the nose of about one-third of the population, according to Mayo Clinic. However, if the bacteria enters the body through a cut or wound, it can lead to consequences.
Miller said in her follow-up TikTok video that she was healing well, according to Badunews. "We're almost fully better now," she wrote before adding: "never popping a pimple again.”
Another user also said they contracted a staph infection from popping a pimple. "I got MRSA once from popping a zit and never again," the comment said. "Cured me from ever picking my face again."