• Ayden Cochrane is a 13-year-old cystic fibrosis sufferer in the UK
  • He finally received the wonder drug Trikafta
  • The boy wept with his family with joy for his second shot at life

Cystic fibrosis sufferer, 13-year-old Ayden Cochrane, finally received the wonder drug Trikafta. He wept with joy, with his family beside him, knowing full well that he almost gave up on the possibility of being able to live and survive. Thanks to the resilience and of people comprising, who helped send the message across to Vertex, the drug company manufacturing the wonder pill, the young boy will now be able to have a chance to breathe again.

In a previous report, it can be recalled that the brave young boy was somehow on the verge of giving up after several attempts to contact the drug company, and to get the company to give him the wonder drug have failed. The mom, Tracey, has sought the help of a lot of people in order to reach the drug company. Fortunately, Daily Express helped Ayden in reaching out to Vertex so that the Ayden could be given Trikafta, the miracle drug.

In the latest interview by Express with Tracey, she noted that Ayden was still very sick, and his body has somehow declined. She noted that his journey ahead would not be easy, and it would be dangerous for him as well. However, the news about Trikafta is really positive, and while Ayden continues to fight, they will be fighting with him. She also said that Ayden is a warrior and that the fight is not over.

wonder drug, trikafta, cystic fibrosis
wonder drug, trikafta, cystic fibrosis nosheep - Pixabay

According to Express, the turnabout by Vertex followed after two heart-rending appeals made the previous week. One was made by Ayden himself, a bedside plea seeking to save his very own life.

As per Express, it was thought that he would be dying if he would not receive Trikafta. The child was also not put in life support because if he would be, Vertex would be unlikely to issue the wonder drug. So for 48 hours, doctors did their best to keep Ayden alive without putting him in life support.

Since Trikafta is not yet licensed in the UK, the only way that UK patients will be able to receive it would be through the “compassionate-use scheme.” This is the scheme that Vertex has to help patients who are already seriously ill.