Sugar has negative effects on your brain. In fact, to your brain, it’s like taking addictive substances like nicotine, cocaine, or morphine. The recommended amount of daily sugar is around 6 teaspoons and the average American eats about 30.

They have linked excessive sugar in the diet to several health conditions you don’t want. Conditions like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease are some destructive things that can happen when eating too much sugar. Cutting back on sugar now could help you avoid some of these problems later.

Sugar detox isn’t easy. Regular sugar consumption can cause changes in your brain that make you crave the substance. When you try to cut it out of your life, your cravings will intensify, and you might even go through withdrawal symptoms initially.

What are the symptoms of sugar withdrawal?

Sugar detox could lead to unpleasant symptoms including depression, anxiety, cravings, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and changes in sleep patterns.

Even though giving up sugar can make you feel lousy, it will get better if you stick with the sugar detox. A person can break sugar addiction within 10 days, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Here are some easy yet effective ways to beat the side effects and detox from sugar:

1. Up your protein intake

Include protein to each of your meals. This can not only help you avoid hunger but also prevent low energy levels during a sugar detox. You also notice that you no longer have the urge or temptation towards a candy bar or other sugar-laden quick fixes. Consume a lot of fish, eggs, lean meat, nuts, seeds, and high-protein vegetables to keep sugar cravings at bay.

2. Get more fiber

Consuming high-fiber foods can help you stave off hunger and make you feel satiated for a longer time. Not only will fiber-rich foods help control blood sugar levels but also prevent sugar detox side effects such as nausea or headache. Eat a lot of high-fiber veggies, beans, fruits, chia seeds, spinach, etc.

3. Stay well hydrated

Drinking enough fluids can not only help you feel better overall but also prevent you from getting constipated. Thirst can also be misinterpreted as hunger, making you overeat or consume unwanted calories. If you stay hydrated, it could help you keep those cravings under control.

4. Stay physically active

Exercise will help you during your sugar detoxification. It will boost your energy levels, reduces your stress, and help lessen any withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and sugar cravings brought on by stress.

5. Include bitter foods in your diet

Consuming bitter foods can help shut down brain receptors that drive you towards sugar craving, says a 2013 study. Eating bitter foods also helps decelerate the absorption of sugar alongside regulating blood sugar levels. This can help you prevent some of the side effects of sugar detox.

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how to get rid of visceral fat, limit sugar intake myriams fotos - Pixabay