8-Foot-Long Snake Found Dangling From Restaurant’s Bathroom Ceiling
A man got the scare of his life when he found a huge snake dangling from the bathroom ceiling at a restaurant in Thailand.
Shop assistant Nop Powin, 35, saw that an eight-foot-long python had smashed through the ceiling in search of food when he went to the bathroom. The incident was caught on video by Powin, and it showed the snake dangling from the ceiling like a serpentine chandelier, the Bangkok Jack reported.
When the reptile heard noises in the bathroom, it appeared to coil up into a knot, and then tried to slither back up the hole on the roof.
After a while, the snake could not be found anywhere.
"I need the local snake catchers to come and find it, but nobody has been yet,” Powin said. He added he was “scared the snake could come back and attack.”
Reticulated pythons are the largest snakes in the world and can grow over 20 feet in length. According to Zoo Atlanta, these snakes have a reputation of being aggressive. They are found across southeastern Asia, including the Nicobar Islands, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Malaysia. The pythons feed on a wide variety of birds and mammals, including large animals such as deer or boar.
In a recent incident in Australia, a woman woke up to find a huge carpet python slithering next to her in bed. The reptile most likely entered the home through an open window. The woman immediately called Brisbane & Gold Coast Snake Catchers to remove the reptile from her home. The snake catcher arrived at the scene and captured the python, before relocating it to a safe location.
In another incident in Australia, a venomous snake was found in a child's bedroom at a home in Flinders View, a city in the eastern state of Queensland. Snake Catchers Ipswitch & Logan, who were called to remove the snake, captured a video of the reptile hiding behind some furniture before trying to escape.
"In here, we've got an eastern brown snake in a young one's bedroom. Time to go away mate," the snake catcher says in the video, adding these reptiles usually enter through open doors and windows.