If you experience stomach bloating, then you are not alone. In the UK, so many people struggle with the condition. This is because too many gassy foods and drinks have been eaten or drank, leading to the bloated tummy. Some of the symptoms that patients with bloated stomach experience include having painful abdominal cramps and a puffy or stretchy sensation felt in the tummy area.

On the other hand, bloating can be the result of too much fluid in the body. If bloating is a result of fluid retention, then eating a certain veggie could help in combating the effects.


Dr. Oz, a famous TV doctor, stated that if bloating was caused by the accumulation of fluid in the body, then cucumber could greatly help. This vegetable is considered as a natural diuretic. This means that it helps the body in releasing water.

Because cucumber has high water content, but with low fiber, it helps in increasing urination. The latter process also contributes to making you feel slimmer.

Simple snack that can help combat stomach bloating
Simple snack that can help combat stomach bloating Pixabay

Aside from helping the body in releasing water, it is also a good source of potassium. This nutrient combats the negative effects of high salt intake. Consuming high levels of sodium was pinpointed by many medical practitioners as a primary cause of why fluid accumulates in the body.

As per the report of LiveStrong, sodium gets excreted through the urine the moment that you consume a lot of potassium. Suffice to say, consuming more potassium greatly contributes to beating stomach bloating caused by too much fluid in the body because of excessive sodium.


If the cucumber is not your thing, then perhaps, you may opt for a slice of banana. Dr. Oz also explained that the potassium found in banana could help in reducing bloating due to the consumption of a salty dinner.

One example given by Dr. Oz was that if you had a salty dinner, you could try to add banana to your breakfast the following morning. This will help in balancing the salt that your body had the night before.

On the other hand, if bloating is a result of too much gassy food like beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and onions, then just cut down on their consumption. The moment you do, you might just stop experiencing bloating symptoms.