lunar eclipse vancouver riots
Whether or not the lunar eclipse had anything to do with last night’s events, it is clear that last night was a good night for Boston, but a nightmare for Vancouver. Reuters

Last night's lunar eclipse was certainly a unique sight as the longest in over a decade. As unique as the event was, some lunar eclipses have stood out in history.

One occurred on May 22, 1453 during the Fall of Constantinople during a two month siege by the Ottoman Empire against the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the last remnants of the Roman Empire.

Since the earth passes between the moon and the sun during a lunar eclipse, the moon turns red. At the time, the blood moon event was interpreted as being a fulfillment of prophecy.

Another significant historical lunar eclipse occurred on June 30, 1503 during the time of Christopher Columbus' exploration to the New World.

As the story goes, on this day, Columbus was stranded in Jamaica in the midst of a food controversy with the native islanders that threatened the lives of the sailors.

Columbus used European astronomical tables and saw the date and time of the next lunar eclipse and told the natives that the red moon was inflamed with the wrath of God.

Besides the lunar eclipse, last night's big news featured the Boston Bruins win over the Vancouver Canucks in Vancouver to win the Stanley Cup.

Vancouver subsequently experienced some of the worst riots in the city's history.

Police estimate that over $1 million in property damage occurred and over 100 arrests were made.

In addition, 9 police officered were injured and another 150 people were taken to the hospital for treatment.

The lunar eclipse was not visible in Vancouver last night. However, the two events makes one wonder if there was some sort of link.

Already, Bostonians have realized that a lunar eclipse coincidentally appeared on the night that the Red Sox won the World Series in 2004, just as it did on this night for the Bruins.

Whether or not the lunar eclipse had anything to do with last night's events, it is clear that last night was a good night for Boston, but a nightmare for Vancouver.