andaman island
This aerial photograph taken on Sept. 22, 2018 shows Boat Island in the Andaman Islands, a remote Indian archipelago in the Bay of Bengal. Getty Images/Hari Kumar

New details have surfaced about Tammy Lawrence-Daley, a Deleware woman who claimed to have been viciously attacked during a vacation in the Dominican Republic in January.

The Majestic Elegance Resort in Punta Cana, the resort Lawrence-Daley and her husband stayed at, said in a statement on Twitter on Wednesday that she "formally demanded a $2.2 million compensation agreement," adding that she shared the story of the alleged incident four months later “after receiving no positive response," according to the New York Post.

Lawrence-Daley, 51, claimed in a Facebook post last week that she was attacked from behind by a man wearing a Majestic Elegance uniform and pulled into an unlocked maintenance room.

After it was acknowledged that Lawrence-Daley allegedly demanded the large amount, the hotel told authorities that they understand "the scenario is still unclear, and that there are weak points, contradictions on the information offered, and that there are still unanswered questions in this strange and unusual case."

The hotel told reporters, "She had no scratches or other signs of violence on her body and still had her purse and cell phone with her, after which the local police were informed and soon arrived at the scene."

The Majestic Hotel also reports, according to NBC, "from the moment they received information of her disappearance, they rigorously implemented the security protocol provided for cases when there is a report of a guest in problems."

They also said they paid for all hospital expenses and offered Lawrence-Daley and her husband a complimentary extension of their stay at the hotel for her recovery time.

Following the attack, Lawrence-Daley told People last month, "I’m at the point where I feel strong enough that I want to get this information out there because women need to understand they can’t walk around by themselves. I hate to say that, but it’s the truth. What I went through, I would never wish on anyone."

She also told her story in a Facebook post, posted below.

How do you explain to your kids you were almost killed by some random stranger and that ‘Mommy is coming home, but I don’t look like myself’? How do you look into your parents eyes as they gaze upon your battered face telling them, ‘I’m okay, I’ll be okay’. Seeing friends break down in tears as they look at you. Everyone asking, ‘why?’, ‘how?’ You tell them a story. You recount every detail very matter of fact so that you don’t break down, that you stay strong… so they don’t see how you are crumbling inside with fear, disappointment, and weakness.