• Donald Trump's COVID-19 speech was criticized
  • Donald Trump's press conference on the coronavirus was dubbed as incoherent
  • The POTUS failed to assure Americans regarding the deadly coronavirus

Donald Trump was recently criticized for holding an incoherent press conference to address the deadly coronavirus or COVID-19.

According to Political Flare, the POTUS gave a barely intelligible press conference on the COVID-19 outbreak, where he shockingly claimed that he shut down flights to save America.

Trump also surprisingly appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead a coronavirus task force even though the latter lacks the qualifications needed to address the global pandemic.

Melania Trump’s husband also claimed that his public health budget cuts are not a big deal because he could easily hire more doctors later. At one point, Trump also linked coronavirus to the stock market by saying that it was the Democrats and not the virus that tanked it this week.

Some people were not impressed with how the POTUS handled such an important issue that they mocked him on Twitter.

“Dow futures turned from positive to negative during Trump’s coronavirus news conference,” Twitter user @JohnHarwood said.

“Trump is describing a conversation he had now where he said "is the coronavirus just the flu? *BANGS HEAD ON TABLE*,” Twitter user @ECMcLaughlin said.

“That answer from Trump on budget cuts may just be about the most absurd thing I've ever heard. They can hire doctors quickly if they need them? He has no clue how biomedical research works. None,” Twitter user @samstein said.

Political Flare journalist Jason Miciak claimed that Trump doesn’t know how anything works so it is unlikely that he would understand how research works.

“He can’t relate to research. In research, the reward is down the road, dependent upon work upfront. He truly can’t understand how that even happens,” he said.

In another article, Miciak criticized Trump’s inability to give Americans the assurance that they need amid the virus epidemic.

“In times like this, the country needs assurance that a steady hand is in control, whether the situation is horrific or just dangerous. It doesn’t matter if it’s Pearl Harbor or simply potentially bad, the nation wants to see competence, sober analysis and true care for the American people,” he said.

US President Donald Trump has defended his administration's response to the novel coronavirus, lashing the media for spreading panic as he conducts an evening news conference on the epidemic
US President Donald Trump has defended his administration's response to the novel coronavirus, lashing the media for spreading panic as he conducts an evening news conference on the epidemic AFP / Eric BARADAT