Two airline pilots traveling over Arizona claim they were passed by unidentified flying objects while flying at over 30,000 feet in the air, March 27, 2018. Above is a representational image. PhotoVision/Pixabay

A company in Florida is offering insurance policies for alien abductions. Each policy comes with outpatient care as well as financial coverage worth $10 million.

The St. Lawrence Agency based in Altamonte Springs, Florida, was founded by Mike St. Lawrence in 1987. His company mainly focuses on providing limited or comprehensive alien abduction insurance.

According to St. Lawrence, he got the idea for the company after finding out that his homeowner’s insurance policy doesn’t cover situations like alien abductions. He admitted that anyone who’s willing to purchase alien abduction insurance should have a good sense of humor.

“I take a very opened mind approach to this, whether it’s happening or not,” St. Lawrence told WBTW News 13. “But if you get one of our policies, show you have a sense of humor about it.”

Since the company’s opening, it has already sold almost 6,000 policies. The basic policy costs $19.95 and includes financial coverage as well as other types of support in case of an alien abduction. These include sarcasm coverage, identity coverage and outpatient psychiatric care.

For an additional $5, the St. Lawrence Agency will throw in a gold-bordered certificate of the policy.

If policyholders get abducted by aliens, they’ll have to prove that the abduction was real in order to take advantage of their policy’s financial coverage. The company requires a signature from an “authorized onboard alien” to process the claim.

If all goes well, the policyholder will be entitled to a claim worth $10 million. But, as stated in the policy’s fine print, the coverage will be split into installments paid yearly for 10 million years. This means beneficiaries will receive $1 a year until the coverage has been completely paid off.

St. Lawrence’s company also made a new policy for those looking to join the “Storm Area 51” event in September. However, he advised against joining the event since it can get out of hand if the participants actually go through with it.

“It is activated if you go in and you don’t come out,” he said about the insurance policy. “If I could give advice, it would be to stay home because this is a military site and they probably take blocking people from getting in seriously.”