House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy may have been aiming to make it clear he was against the decision by the estate of Dr. Seuss to no longer publish six of his books that contained racist imagery, but his way of handling it was quickly slammed on social media after he posted a video of himself reading “Green Eggs And Ham.”

McCarthy (R-California), took to Twitter with his support of the beloved children’s author, after six titles were pulled by his estate because the images in them were deemed as racist, with the estate claiming the portrayals of people in them as “hurtful and wrong.” In his Tweet, which included a video of him reading the famous story, McCarthy showed his support for the books and encouraged his supporters to re-tweet his post if they agreed.

However, the move was swiftly criticized instead, with many criticizing both McCarthy and the GOP for focusing on the issues with the books—which were not political—when Democrats in Congress were focusing on trying to pass President Biden’s COVID relief bill.

Others pointed out that McCarthy may want to do his research because the titles being taken out of publication were “And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street,” “If I Ran the Zoo,” “McElligot’s Pool,” “On Beyond Zebra!,” “Scrambled Eggs Super!” and “The Cat’s Quizzer”-- but not “Green Eggs and Ham.”

His support of former President Trump was also criticized. It was also pointed out as just being a strange action.

There were also those who poked fun at the move with their own play on Dr. Seuss’s rhymes.

This isn’t the first time McCarthy has also been called out for things he’s done and said, including blaming the Jan. 6 Capitol riots on the actual nation, and not Trump, who held a rally at the Ellipse just prior to the events that occurred. He was later forced to walk back those comments and explain himself.

Kevin McCarthy
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy answers a question during a news conference on Capitol Hill. REUTERS/Larry Downing