• 7-year-old Marley was rushed to the animal hospital after eating more than 30 gingerbread Christmas decorations and its ribbons
  • Veterinarians were able to remove 34 ribbons and a number of bones in Marley's stomach
  • Marley is expected to fully recover 

A Labrador from the United Kingdom needed two operations to save his life after chowing down more than 30 gingerbread Christmas tree decorations.

Marley, a 7-year-old Labrador, was rushed to the PDSA Pet Hospital by his owner, Rachel Bulmer, the moment the canine became seriously ill after eating the treats along with the ribbons attached to it.

Bulmer said that she placed the gingerbread tree decorations inside gift bags and placed them on the kitchen side, thinking that Marley couldn't reach them.

Representational image of a Labrador. Pixabay

“I thought I'd left them safely out of reach, but when I noticed some were gone, I instantly knew who had taken them,” said the 37-year-old Bulmer.

She added that Marley is known for eating things that he shouldn't, but it always “passes through.” This time, however, her pet got sick.

“He started acting strangely and looked like he was going into shock. He was violently sick and brought up some of the ribbons,” she said.

Veterinarians performed emergency operation on Marley to remove the ribbons that he ingested, according to The Guardian.

A total of 34 ribbons was removed from the dog, which may have led to a potentially fatal blockage, it added.

Animal doctors were also able to remove a number of bones which had been lodged in Marley's stomach.

The operations lasted for three hours and cost more than $2,600. It was paid in full by public donations, said Fox News.

PDSA senior veterinarian Aoife Clancy described the operation as “high-risk” and put Marley on a “critical round-the-clock care” for four days.

Marley is now on a “strict cage rest” and is expected to recover from his surgeries.