The number of lung cancer patients has increased over the years. This disease has become prevalent in so many countries today. While some were able to survive it, some did not. Suffice to say, early detection plays a role in achieving a higher survival rate.

The latest studies have shown that the fingers may reveal the signs of the disease. These are visible changes that could warn patients of lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Signs To Watch Out For

As per the Cancer Research UK, the signs that you need to watch out for on your fingers are the following:

1. Fingers become more curved

2. Ends become larger (finger clubbing)

3. Pain in the fingers

4. Inflammation

Lung cancer signs in the finger
Lung cancer signs in the finger geralt - Pixabay

These symptoms have been associated with hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. This condition is often found in patients who have lung cancer. Among the explanations provided by the health site, this condition is a reaction of the body towards the substances released by the tumor.

Lung cancer has other symptoms. The changes in the fingers are just among the warning signs that people should watch out for. According to NHS, other symptoms include:

1. Hoarse voice

2. Wheezing

3. Pain when swallowing

4. Any degree of difficulty when swallowing

5. Swelling on the neck

6. Persistent shoulder pain

7. Persistent chest pain

Although lung cancer has other main symptoms like weight loss, coughing up blood, pain when breathing, and a cough that doesn’t get better, it is still important for you to take note of these symptoms. Seek your doctor if you are at risk of lung cancer and have noticed any of the above symptoms.

Risk Factors For Lung Cancer

What puts a person at risk of suffering from lung cancer is primarily his lifestyle. If a person is smoking tobacco, then he is surely at risk. Out of 10 lung cancer cases, 7 is a result of smoking. This number does not only refer to actual smokers, but also to those who are exposed to secondhand smoke.

Another risk factor is exposure to certain substances in the atmosphere. Individuals who are exposed to diesel exhaust, silica, and asbestos are also at risk of developing lung cancer. Generally, these factors would include air pollution, previous lung disease, family history of lung cancer, exposure to chemicals, and workplace risks.