A man in India was arrested for allegedly murdering a woman by sliting her throat after she refused his sexual advances.

The unidentified woman was found dead with her 7-month-old baby crying next to her body inside her home Saturday. The woman and her family had moved into a rented room in a building, which belonged to the accused's father, in the northern state of Delhi four months ago, the Hindustan Times reported.

On the day of the incident, the woman's husband, who worked at a printing unit, was at his workplace. The 29-year-old unidentified accused found out the woman was alone in the house with her baby. On Friday night, the accused and friends had a dinner gathering on the terrace of the house. After his friends left, the accused walked into the woman's house while he was under the influence of alcohol.

“His friends left after dinner around midnight. He was the last to leave the terrace,” deputy commissioner of police (outer) Parminder Singh told Hindustan Times.

Local media reported the woman's house door was open, and the accused found her sleeping beside her daughter. He then allegedly made sexual advances toward the woman. When she refused and threatened to call the police, the man picked up a kitchen knife and slit her throat.

"Around 11.30 am on Saturday, the woman’s young nieces found the door ajar. They walked in to find the woman dead and the baby crying," an investigating officer said, according to Catch News.

Another official added, "When we questioned the landlord’s son, he initially tried to pass the blame on his friends who came for dinner. Eventually, he confessed to killing the woman."

In January, a man threw a 3-month-old baby into the fire after the mother rejected his sexual advances. The incident took place in the state of Bihar. According to reports, the woman was sitting near a bonfire when the man, who was in the vicinity, tried to sexually harass her. When she protested, the accused snatched the baby from her and threw her into the bonfire. The man was arrested and charged with attempt to murder, assault or criminal force to a woman with intent to outrage her modesty, voluntarily causing hurt and wrongful restraint.

crime scene
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