Michelle Obama at campaign rally in Phoenix, AZ
First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama speaking with supporters of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a campaign rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo by Gage Skidmore/Flickr Photo by Gage Skidmore/Flickr


  • Michelle Obama revealed the most devastating moment while she was the FLOTUS
  • Michelle Obama didn't like to join Barack Obama on some of his engagements
  • Michelle Obama comforted those who lost their families and homes while she was the first lady 

Michelle Obama served as the first lady of the United States for eight years. But it was during her first four years that she struggled a lot.

In her memoir “Becoming,” the ex-FLOTUS revealed the most devastating moment during her time in the White House. She said that as the wife of former President Barack Obama, she was expected to accompany the ex-POTUS on his hospital visits after mass shootings and other disasters.

Michelle shared how she prayed for families who lost their homes after a tornado hit Tuscaloosa, Alabama, she also hugged and comforted families who lost their loved ones in the war.

“In the previous four months, I’d paid visits to people who’d survived mass shootings at a movie theatre in Colorado and inside a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. It was devastating, every time,” she said.

Even though it was a struggle for Michelle to join her husband during these kinds of engagements, she still tried her best to be the calmest and open person she could be. One of her techniques is to always be caring and present.

Meanwhile, the former first lady also made headlines recently amid rumors that she may run for president next year. Months ago, Michelle already said that she wasn’t interested in politics. But her supporters are convinced that she would change her mind at the last minute.

“Michelle Obama is gonna pull a Beyoncé and announce she’s funning for president. Biggest plot twist,” Twitter user @BGoodeWrites said.

“I wish Michelle Obama would run for president. Imagine the sigh of relief,” Twitter user @macklyy said.

“I’ve never even been to America yet I’d love for Michelle Obama to be president,” Twitter user @jeontheworlds said.

“Can Michelle Obama just be the president now? Ok, thanks,” Twitter user @MatkaiBurmaster said.

“Go for @MichelleObama for #president,” Twitter user @iamcrazymigs said.

“My grandma wrote a letter to @MichelleObama yesterday asking her to run for president,” Twitter user @E_Marcovitz said.