NASA Photo Captures Ancient Alien Tomb On Mars, UFO Expert Claims

- A UFO expert saw an alleged alien tomb on Mars
- The photo of the tomb was taken by the Curiosity rover
- The expert believes an ancient alien race once lived on Mars
A UFO expert claimed that NASA’s photos of Mars revealed an ancient alien tomb. The expert said the tomb may have belonged to a member of an alien civilization that once thrived on the Red Planet.
The claim about an alien tomb on Mars was made by Scott Waring of ET Data Base. He saw the images of the alleged tomb while he was browsing the raw photos taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars. According to the details of the photos, they were taken on SOL 1277, which is equivalent to March 9, 2016.
Waring said he said the alleged tomb while he was trying a different photo that he believes featured a skull of an alien. Although he was not able to find the skull, he came across another strange object which he thinks is related to Mars’ ancient alien race.
“I found this ancient tomb on Mars when I was looking back at a tiny skull photo that I had found a few years ago,” he wrote in a blog post. “I had never seen this tomb back then. It was just right there in the center of a photo. It was a totally different photo than the skull. The skull was of a tiny alien species because the photo was taken with the micro viewer camera.”
According to Waring, the tomb in the photo is a little over 2 meters long, which means it’s as long as the standard coffins used on Earth. Based on the photo, Waring was also able to identify other features of the alleged tomb such as its lid and carvings on its sides.
The UFO expert strongly believes that the tomb is an ancient relic that came from an early civilization that once lived on the Red Planet.
“The top of the tomb seems to be slightly raised in one corner so we know that the tomb is hollow and this is a lid,” he stated. “Also the sides of the tomb have sculptures in it, but the photos detail is too poor to make out for certain what those carvings are. This is absolutely 100% proof that intelligent aliens once thrived on Mars.”